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13″ MK100 Double Perc Straightshooter (MK120)

The Straight Wigwag Zoom Pipe stands 18” tall that features an American colored ufo shaped Showerhead placed in its center and a well-worked inline on its bottom.Both of these percolators will give you an amazing experience of clean smoke.The piece comes with 18mm Male built-in screen Horn bowl that's same color as the pipe you're about to order.This water pipe is available in few different colors.Inches: 18" | Thickness: 7mm | Colors: Blue, Red, Green
Dimensions18 in

Blue, Red, Green


13″ MK100 Double Perc Straightshooter (MK120)


Inches: 18 | Thickness: 7mm | Colors: Black, Red, Green Read more...
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Tags: , SKU: A50

1 review for 13″ MK100 Double Perc Straightshooter (MK120)

  1. Aaron

    Super clean session!

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